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Clan Monteith History

The name Monteith, also seen spelled as Monteath, is of territorial origin, coming from Monteith in south-west Perthshire.

In 1237, Malcolm de Manetheth appeared as a witness, whist a Colin de Mentaghe who was a juror on an inquisition at Perth in 1305, may also be Kilinus de Mineteth who was perpetual vicar of Kaledrach in the Dunblane diocese in 1322.
In Norwich, in 1396, a William of Mentethe was arrested for violation of a truce.

In 1525, Johen of Mentecht was a juror on an assize in Stirling, and there is a David Munteitht who held lands in Glasgow in 1550.

Both in Glasgow, there was a William Mwntheicht who was a witness in 1553, and a Patrick Mynteith was a burgess freeman in 1611.

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